12 augustus 2011

Delicious Basic Mini Pizza's.

I made these mini pizza's last June, when I celebrated my birthday. I love pizza's but to serve a whole pizza as a snack on a birthday wasn't really a good idea, so I took 2 muffin pans and divided my pizza dough. The most people use real pizza sauce, or something close, but I really like my pizza's just with Heinz Tomato Ketchup. It really gives the pizza that little bite of sweetness (that's just my opinion ;). Though the amount of dough is the same, it's not really enough for a whole meal.. This is just a snack, which you could serve at diner with some soup, or at night with some toast etc. 

Basic Mini Pizza's

For the dough:

1/4 teaspoon dried yeast 
300 ml warm water
1/4 teaspoon salt
250 gr white bread flower
120 gr wheat flower

Sprinkle the yeast over the bowl with warm water, set it a side for about 5 min. Then put in the salt, and both flowers (about 120 gr a time). Mix it, and then switch to working the dough with your hands. Divided the dough into 24 little balls, or just 1 big one. Put your ball(s) in a bowl (or baking tray) and grease the ball in with olive oil so the whole ball is covered. Cover the bowl up with a clean kitchen towel and let it rest on a warm place for about 2-3 hours. (If you make the dough a day before you can cover the bowl up with plastic foil and let it rest in the fridge. Take the dough an hour before baking out.)

ps. you can also mix this in a KitchenAid. 

For the filling:

30 ml Heinz Tomato Ketchup (about 1/4 teaspoon per mini pizza) (or any other basic sauce)
2 tomato's
1½ mozzarella roll
½ pepperoni stick (about 50 gr.)

First: preheat you oven to 428F (220C). Slice the tomato's, mozzarella en pepperoni into little cubes, and put them a side. When your dough is done resting divide them into 24 portions. If you already done that roll the portion per time out until your dough is about ½ to 1 inch thick. Cut a round out about 1 size bigger than you muffin form is (it will shrink a bit). Continue until your muffin trays are filled. Then smudge some ketchup on every piece of dough, and fill the pizza's up with the tomato, mozzarella and pepperoni. Let them bake in your oven in about 20-24 minutes until the dough is cooked and the pizza's look a bit golden brown.

Good luck baking!

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